Tuesday 10 December 2013


This year was the best year that I have had at school. This year I won singles for tennis and I got 1st for sprints and long jump. the sporting side of things I will always srive in and will always keep my passion about. also we went up to the top of rueapane on tuesday the 10th december 2013 and it was the best experance of my life. unfortanatly it is my last year and I will allways remember the kids and teaches. I am off to hbhs and will make new friends there but my friend shane is also going so at least I will know one person. and don't forget (this is the only time I will say this) YOLO (you only live once)

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Ag day

Wednesday 16th October Te Pahu Schools PTA set up our annual Agricultural Day. Almost everybody had a calf, lamb , or did an alternative challenge. All animals had three normal rounds and one optional. Calfskin had leading, rearing and dairy or beef type. Lambs had leading, rearing and call and follow. Goats had similar courses but very few people led a goat. at the end i came out with a 5th, 4th and 3rd. there was also a group of three for all animals and it is judjed my how well they lead together.

Are radio waves the same as sound waves???


Wednesday 20 November 2013


This term we have being learning about energy sound and how it travles.we found out that sound travles straight but still in waves. over the term whe have been doing experements and wathing vidios. did you know that in order for sound to be in the world there needs to be air. learning about energy has been awesome fun especialy with all of the expererments we have done. this is a vidio of an expererment that we did.

bus warden fun day

last week on friday kayla, lilly, lars, ben and I went to the te awamutu veledrom for being a bus warden. there was lots of games there such as cricket, dodge ball, catch a thief, extream frisby, tug "o" war and a water slide. the day was awesome fun and we all made new friends plus the organiseres put on a free lunch of hamburgers and water with ice. trust me it was well worth going.

Monday 28 October 2013

song of awesome

This song is an awesome song to just sit and listen to for a while so I hope you enjoy this:):):) :D

Monday 23 September 2013

ski trip

In term 3 room7 went to the snow. we left school at 0500 hours and arrived at the snow at 0800 hours. we then got out and organised our equpement. we then had time to ski and board. the first time I got on I could not stop so I just fell on my bum. th we had lessons and ski time so when I was going down shane thrw a snow ball and hit me and I fell over andlost both of my skies. then we had to go home. the day was awesome!!!